The Value of Investment Resources Influx for the Development of the Electric Power Industry of Kazakhstan
The article analyzes the state of the energy system for the past 23 years in Kazakhstan. The main objective of the study is to conduct an econometric analysis on effective development of electric power industry of Kazakhstan for the period of 1991-2013. We justify some patterns and relationships inherent in the process of electricity generation. At the same time, have a significant negative value depreciation of fixed assets of the electricity sector and losses in electric networks. Regression estimation proved the hypothesis that an increase in the volume of electricity generated depends on the level of investment in fixed capital injections industry. The constructed model can be used to reliably predict in the medium term and allows the Government to make effective decisions in the modernization of the electricity sector. Keywords: Electric power industry of Kazakhstan; investment; econometric estimation; Granger causality analysis. JEL Classifications: C13; L94; Q47; O13Downloads
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How to Cite
Smagulova, S. A., Omarov, A. D., & Imashev, A. B. (2015). The Value of Investment Resources Influx for the Development of the Electric Power Industry of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 5(1), 374–384. Retrieved from